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After 13 years of leadership, Christian Jensen welcomes new Executive Director

Christian Jensen

Dear myTEAM TRIUMPH family, for the last 13 years, it has been my incredible honor to have served as Executive Director of myTEAM TRIUMPH. However, it is time for new leadership to step in and bring mTT into a new bright future.

We come from humble beginnings but, have much to celebrate from our shared experience.

  • Together, we created the largest, most impactful partner assisted organization in the U.S.

  • We've shared what we learned by being a model to support 15+ Chapters of myTEAM TRIUMPH around the U.S. and Canada.

  • We've completed an extensive Capital Campaign to fully equip eight regions around the state of Wisconsin.

  • We've grown from an all volunteer organization to one which employs multiple individuals.

  • We've been recognized as a Guidestar Platinum level organization since 2016, an honor which 10% of non profit organizations reach.

Over the last 13 years, tens of thousands of Captains and Angels have built connections while wearing the mTT star. Their commitment to inclusion has planted a powerful seed which will be felt for generations.

What's next for mTT? I'm excited to announce that Dave Konshak, long time myTEAM TRIUMPH Staff member will be stepping up to the Executive Director position. I believe Dave brings a wide range of skills and passion to the mission which are unmatched. Dave is a true jack of all trades. He loves to have fun and is incredibly effective as a non profit leader. I look forward to supporting him as he steps into this new role and to see what bright future he brings mTT to! In the coming days, you'll have a chance to get to know Dave and his vision for leadership !

What's next for me? I'm excited to share that I'll be working with another great organization, St John's Ministries in Green Bay. The mission of St John's is to honor the dignity, restore hope and create lasting change for those experiencing homelessness or housing instability in the greater Green Bay community. I'm honored for the chance to support the work of this amazing organization.

In closing, let me leave you with a personal message...YOU are a person with a divine inheritance. You are not merely going through life doing a job, getting a paycheck, counting down the days. The value that you bring to the world is the spiritual connection and interaction you have with every one of God's creatures. We all have been uniquely made in beauty and power. By coming along side people who are different through this race of life, we get a chance to experience a new glimpse of he who created us. Enjoy the moments. Love deeply, take in each finish line and live with gratitude!

I hope that you join me at the Night of Triumph Gala on Feb 17th as we celebrate the last 13 years of amazing experiences and show support for the next step in our adventure.

Get your Night of Triumph tickets HERE

From Tiffany, Ella, Chewy and myself, THANK YOU and we love you :)



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